Awards of Merit June 2024

Film festival awards

Award of Merit Special MentionFilm Festival Accolade

Barbara Anne Lindstrom (USA), The Long Road Home, Documentary Short, Women Filmmaker
Chaofeng Hu (China), Butterfly, Asian Filmmaker
Emmanuel Gavart (France), The Two of Us, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising, Viewer Impact: Content / Message Delivery
Gelareh Abbassi (Iran), Homa, Documentary Short
Jeremy He (China), LOST IN GUIZHOU, Asian Filmmaker
John Bermingham (Ireland), Come Away With Me, Original Song (Audrey Bridgeman and Gerry Hendrick)
Kevin Short (United Kingdom), BONNIE & CLIVE, Ensemble Cast
Kudzai Tinago (USA), The Spirit Of Ubuntu, Documentary Feature
Mikhail Ezhov (Bulgaria), Under Dictatorship of a Zero., Animation, Dramatic Impact
Mohammad Kazemzadeh Mojdehi (Iran), The Birth of a Girl, Film Short
Mokhless Al-Hariri (USA), Chanting of the Dunes, Narration / Voiceover Talent (Nada Kouatly)
Patrick Guthrie (USA), RugbyTown Season 2, Documentary Short, Original Score
Philip Escobar-Jung (Puerto Rico), La Línea Imaginaria, Film Short
Rachel Suissa (USA), Greek Mothers Never Die, Actress: Supporting (Rachel Suissa as Despina)
Vaibhav Kulkarni (India), THE RABBIT HOUSE, Film Feature
Victor J. Tognola (Switzerland), All quiet on the Western Front, Documentary Feature
Xaque Gruber, Sneak Preview Entertainment (USA), SALLYWOOD, Film Feature, Ensemble Cast

Film festival awards

Ali Diab (Kuwait), The Missing Weeks, Documentary Short
Andrey Solomonov (United Arab Emirates), RUNAWAY, Film Short (Student)
Ayang Gao (China), Weeds By the River, Film Feature
Bella Shih (Taiwan), definitions, Animation
Bob Conrad (USA), A City in Crisis, Documentary Feature
Buzz Wang and Rocky Xiong (China), A BLACK DOG BY THE REEF, Asian Filmmaker
Carolyn M. Scott (USA), SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL, Documentary Short
Catarina Accioly (Brazil), Wheels of a Giant, Documentary Feature
Chonglang Fan (China), Song of the Conscripts, Asian Filmmaker
Chris Charles Farina (USA), A Bridge to Life, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising, Documentary Feature, Viewer Impact: Motivational / Inspirational
Clare Cooney and Mile 213 Productions (USA), The River, Actress: Leading (Rainbow Dickerson as Rocky Camu)

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Clement Lye (USA), Carla the Rescuer, Documentary Feature, Jewish Theme
Dan Tarrant (USA), Completion: The Monsignor Picard Story, Christian Theme
Darla Zuhdi and Rick Walker (USA), To all the Gabbys in the World, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Genevieve Sulway (United Kingdom), I am Kanaka, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising, Documentary Short, Native Peoples Theme, Women Filmmaker
Gwendolyn G. Cassady (USA), If It Could Happen to Me, It Could Happen to You, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising, Documentary Feature
Inés Moldavsky (Argentina), Naked Israel, Documentary Feature
Iva Kevra (Ireland), Love of Magdalena, Actress: Leading (Iva Kevra as Magdalena)
Janssen Swent and David Luck (USA), Death by King Cake, Film Short, Script / Writer, Humor / Humorist
Jason Chu (USA), LAMENT, Direction
Jérôme Amimer (France), THE MIRROR PARAJANOV, Documentary Short
Jinshan Wang (China), Midsummer Dream, Children / Family Programming
JM Balbuena (USA), Roll Up For Equity, Liberation / Social Justice / Protest, Women Filmmaker

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John Bermingham (Ireland), Come Away With Me, Music Video
John Post (Netherlands)
, The Model Maker – Constant Willems, Documentary Feature, History / Biographical
Kudzai Tinago (Zimbabwe), Ubuntu ~ The Baobab Tree Story, Film Short
Larry L. Sheffield and Trent J. DiGiulio (USA), Atomic Rocketeer, Editing
Leonardo Scarpato and Mason Clark (USA), Ourfield, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Martin Arnaldo (France), metempsychosis, Experimental
Mehdi Arhami (Iran), Until Mina, Film Short (Student)
Mikheil Gabaidze (Georgia), Vasomotor Rhinitis, Film Short
Pete Kolopenuk (Canada), IN IT 2 WIN IT, Native Peoples Theme, Native Peoples Filmmaker
Prashant Naik (India), MAHALAKSHMI PATH – THE EVOLUTION, Women Theme
Rachel Suissa (USA), Greek Mothers Never Die, Film Feature

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Rafael Maria Friebe (Turkey), What am I Without You, Islamic Filmmaker, Islamic Theme, Religion / Ethics
Rob C. Williams (USA), Beings Human: A Most Miraculous Conspiracy, Documentary Short
Rodrigo Villar Martínez (Spain), The End, Actor: Leading (Pablo Castañón as Fernando Hidalgo)
Saeed Moltaji (Iran), Message, Asian Filmmaker
Stacey Summers (USA), The Last Drop: Alejandro’s Story, Documentary Short, Health / Medicine / Science
Taishi Mizumoto (Japan), Omokage  A Reconstructive Mortician in Japan, Documentary Short
Tayler Carter (USA)
, The Automaton, Animation
Trevor Wilde (USA), I’m on Fire, Actor: Leading (Billy Hayes as Gael)
Xaque Gruber, Sneak Preview Entertainment (USA), SALLYWOOD, Actor: Leading (Tyler Steelman as Zack)
Xi Nan and Ke Liu (China), Kindness Crossing, Children / Family Programming
Yu Wang (China), Fade of Faith, Actor: Leading (Student) (Yi Jiang as Ran Zhang)
Ziyu Dai (China), Happy New Year, Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger

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